41) Computer → Instrument indicator
42) Microscope showing opaque paintings on the screen
43) Epidoscope → Show pictures on screen in the cinema
44) Escalator → Moving mechanical staircases
45) Exorometer → Speeder of the aircraft
46) Actinometer → Sun-ray measuring machine
47) AeroMeter → Load and density measurement of gases
48) Accumulator → Electric power collector
49) Oscillograph → to indicate electrification or mechanical vibrations
50) Stethoscope for study of the heart and pulmonary movement
51) Sphygmomanometer → To know the intensity of blood pressure in arteries.
52) Zeta → Zero Atmosphere Nuclear Combination
53) For the transmission of electric power in the Daniels cell → circuit
54) Dictaphone → Recording Recorder
55) Dialysis → Blood for purification of kidneys
56) thermometer → for heat measurement
57) Thermostat → To maintain heat
58) Hippomometer → To know the height from sea level
59) Hydrophone → To record underwater sound
60) Spectrometer → Finding refractive index of light
61) Hydrometer → Finding the relative humidity of the fluids
62) Hygrometer → Finding the relative humidity of the air
63) stereoscope → showing the photo in a three-dimensional form on the screen
Generator → Generating High Quality
65) Voltmeter → Measuring the Potential
66) Lactometer → Measuring the accuracy of milk
67) Refractometer → Find the refractive index of mediums.
68) Rain gauge → Measurement of volume of rainfall
69) Radiator → Keeping the engine's engine cool
70) Refrigerators:: To keep food cool especially
71) Radar → Finding the position of the airplane
72) Micrometer → Exposing short distances
73) Megaphone → Moving sound to remote locations
74) Battery → Collecting power
75) Barometry → Measuring instruments for air pressure *
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